Showing posts with label Prada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prada. Show all posts


Prada made my day

Lately I've been talking a lot about shoes... guess I'll need to change the blog's name to Manolo's shoes blog or something...

But anyways.. Prada put a smile on my face this fashion week when not only one, but 3 at least of their models stumbled and felt on they runway show.. that didn't look much like a runway and didn't presented much of a show.

I didn't like the proposal at all, the yellowish-golden pieces looked horrible and didn't harmonized with the rest of the collection. Most of the tops and skirts looked as if they were old fabric wrapped around the models. The only good part of ist was deffinetly the red & grayscale snake skin-like dresses.

Ok.. but retourning to the shoe thing... I just laugh my butt off with the video.. check it out.