
Paris-London Chanel pre fall 08

Well, now that we are getting into prefalls I have to say I loved this one. It's perfect, will I ever stop loving Karl this much???.

I like the rock and 60's feeling, very Beatles in Amsterdam, like Twiggy rocks tweedy.
The proposal is easy to wear and I can recall a lot of pieces in my wardrobe I can use to build inspired outfits.
Black & white, purple and a bit of pink and the Amy Winehouse inspired hairstyles suit perfectly.

And what about Irina Lazareanu playing with Sean Lennon? I find amusing that a model made a music performance in a fashion show, the perfect cherry top for the perfect ice cream.

1 comment:

Alan Baldenebro said...

aww ke agresiiva:( dejaame soi nuevo:) jaja XD aww:$

pasate el msn:) saludos fashonsiita:)